Alternative Spirituality: Far East, Native American, Third World, local cults and religions of one.
Spring 2002 (images are links)

A website dedicated to the mobilization of information on shamanism, Celtic culture and more.

Orion Society

A resource of cultures & religions from around the world, gods & goddesses, rituals & worship. Articles, links, news, media, zine & more. For polytheists, students, or religion enthusiasts.

TantraWorks was created to initiate you into the mystery and magic of Tantra tradition and empower your spiritual evolution.

Get Out of the Dark, and into the light of WitchCraft, Magic, Witches, Wicca, Goddess Worship, Pagan, Heathen, and other Earth Centered and Nature based Religious Faiths.

The Circle of Fire Weavers- a pagan religion dedicated to accumulation, preservation, dissemination, and creation of knowledge in all its forms.

At SageWoman, the belief is that you are the Goddess, and we're devoted to celebrating your journey.

All of the offerings of the Center are designed to nurture, educate, and empower women to discover and strengthen the goddess within and to cultivate the sacred feminine and help heal ourselves and the world.

Tale Weavers are lore keepers. They Walk Between the Worlds and tell stories of the Many Colored Land in which they travel. This is their site; enter to learn their ways.

The Church of Virus (not satanic)… Their three main tenets are reason, empathy and vision

Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye; Santeria-Orisha-Cuba

Santeria Orisha religion- a religion resulting from the mixing of African and Caribbean religions.(santeria = way of the saints)

The Hopi Native Americans of the American Southwest have an ancient prophecy....

Shift: Journal of Alternatives

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Alternative Spirituality: Far East, Native American, Third World, local cults and religions of one.